Jan 1, 2013

the brightest of days

I sit here in my favorite chair on the brightest of winter mornings~  I  am filled, my cup runneth over with good people, the kind of people that change lives;  and as I sit here  typing and reflecting on this year that has gone past,  looking at what I set out to do and what actually happened; the gifts  received,  can't help but to be floored by the goodness this year brought.

This was a year to be  approached  with the feeling that everyday brought the possibility of a new beginning . 
This was a year of discovery and acceptance. I never imagined I would learn so much about myself , life and the heartbreak of loss, loss of innocence, life as they planned it to be , the change in the fabric of the everyday... in the blink of an eye,  the joy of new discovery; the clarity it brings.

This was the year I was to find knee high boots that fit my calfs :) , the same year that the small things would no longer matter.

 My mind uncluttered my soul richer,  excited to leap into 2013 believing that all is possible, that a plan is in place and nothing is left to do but to continue to live everyday with only one job... to live with Grace in our hearts.

Thank you for walking with me, for sharing moments , for your patience, your kind hearts and the laughter,  for being what holds my fabric together " You were made for ME"